Thursday, August 29, 2013


Bullet to the Head is a throwback to the 80s action films that gave Walter Hill his notoriety who directed such hits as Red Heat, 48 Hrs, and The Warriors.  Now back in the Director's chair since 2002 this is his first film starring Sylvester Stallone .

The movie stars Sylvester Stallone as an aging assassin  James Bonomo who seeks out his revenge on all those responsible for taking out his partner in crime.

During the course of the film Stallone works his way up the criminal food chain dispensing from little fish to big fish all the way up to the head honcho himself Keegan played by Jason Momoa.

Even though the film is quite fast paced from the get go it leaves little room for any character development whose narrative was quite hard to comprehend.   It was only at the end did I finally realize who the main enemy was when Stallone and Momoa were locked in a Mortal Kombat Brawl for all 80s style.  There were supporting characters added in Stallone's quest but they did little to enhance the story.

 Stallone's partner Taylor Kwon (Sung Kang)  , a cop, is after the same vengance as Stallone's character that their two storyline's don't compliment each other.

In addition Stallone has a foxy daughter (Weronika Rosati) whose only contribution to the film is giving us all a little va-va-voom moment.

Although I have to admit at age 67 I have to admit Sylvester Stallone can still pack a punch and is quite in his physical presence to be performing the strenuous stunt work at his age. He may have the face of a tired old Boxer but he's still has got the body of a Adonis.

Stallone's protrayal as  a no-nonsense assassins who gets what he wants by intimidation or by brute force is right on.  He doesn't have a conscience, nor sense of right or wrong he only has himself and a job to do and isn't in it to make any friends.  However, a goof up on the screenwriters part was to turn this into a buddy cop type movie.

Usually in buddy cop movies such as Lethal Weapon opposites attract.    Riggs and Murtaugh although coming from different backgrounds find a common bound and pool their different skills together to defeat the enemy.

However in Bullet To The Head, Detective Kwon's screen presence is merely there to be more of a hanger to Stallone who only acts  a resource to connect one bad guy to the next and nothing more.

Given the title of this movie it's not surprising at all to watch a movie high in violence and action that mimics any other made to video DVD in a rental store.  Unfortunately endless scenes of shooting, fights, and carnage  is the gift that keeps on giving in this movie that offer little suspense or shock value.  However, when you are dealing with a revenge movie expect a film that offers little on human emotion or story but high MDK's (Murder Death Kills) and getting even in the end.

Although this film was as brutal to the end as its title implies but in the end  it wasn't as enjoyable to watch as I thought it would be.


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