Wednesday, August 7, 2013



A long time ago in epic Action Land when the movie world was waiting for a new action film to come along and break away from the stereotypical tough guy movies Die Hard was our true champion.

It  featured a new vulnerable hero up against incredible odds and for the first time it would take more brains than brawn to ease his way out of this one.   Ever since then Die Hard has emerged as one of the Top 10 memorable action films.

As Hollywood began to squeeze every ounce of story out of John McClane's gas tank that by Live Free or Die Hard  the magic was gone.  Now with A Good Day to Die Hard it becomes more quite apparent that with every situation John McClane has faced from fighting  terrorists at the office,

 to terrorists at the airport,

to fighting mercenaries,

to hackers that they just got lost in the story flow with this one.  Let's face it! John McClane has met his match and he's won them all.  What more can he possibly do at this time and age of his character but oh gee let me guess  aww.. retire.

What's worst of all in this latest edition is the writers stepped away from the human like qualities that made John McClane fight with his mind as well as his skilled trigger finger.  Now we have him falling through multiple panes of glass without so much as cutting a scratch .  Before McClane was taking proper safety precautions from jumping off a high rise building using a tether to avoid being barbecued cop.

 In A Good Day To Die Hard.........


I'm sorry but going from human to inhuman is just a harsh slap to the face of the original Die Hard creators.  I mean come on who wouldn't like to eye up to an average Joe who meets his match and has to fight his way out each time.  That's one of the endearing qualities that's welcomed John McClane to my house every Xmas for a Die Hard screening after the Xmas Story under the HD Television with care.

So what awaits our tired old friend now?  Well it's like Back To The Future Part II it's about his son, something has to be done about his son .

John's son is now a CIA operative who has been arrested from preventing a nuclear-weapons heist and is awaiting trial.

John who now waits Five Die Hard years later decides to be father of the year and takes a visit to Moscow. Before the wild west of gunfire ensues Jack is able to escape along with political prisoner Komarov who has knowledge of very important disks that containing very important info on some very important people. Smells quite Mission Impossible don't you think?

Once the younger McClane escapes he meets up with the Elder McClane for a McClane Kodak moment
which is nothing more than useless bickering.  Once the Younger McClane irons out his differences with Papa McClane through a lot of macho male bonding Team McClane is re-born again.  

They then join forces to stop the bad dudes from gaining possession of lots and lots of high grade nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

What was strangely odd and out of place in this movie is where is the villain? Whose the one quarterback the forces of evil in this one? No one actually and that's what bothers me.

What is even more disturbing is the fact that the first three Die Hards featured wonderful  criminal masterminds whom  took great pleasure in putting McClane like a rat in a maze filled with many dire and difficult situations .

We took great joy in watching him fight his way out to victory.    However, after the 1990s the Die Hard villains have lost their touch.  What we seem to run into in some action movies such as this one is too many Henchman with no Boss in sight.   If there is a boss he is revealed too quickly such as the revelation of Komarov being the one masterminding his own release.   Like we didn't see that one coming  I mean come on.

After the success of Die Hard 3 the studios suddenly felt that our Lone Ranger needed a sidekick. What went wrong in this one was the focus was taken off John McClane in creating a new story with his Son with John in the backseat as his supporting character.

WTF!!!! I MEAN HOW DARE YOU! Honestly, whose running the ship here!  You don't bench the main hero or ask him to take a backseat.  That's like benching LaBron James for Darko Millicic.

What's with all the family drama?  Why are they suddenly turning the Dysfunctional Family dynamic
that was apparent in the last Die Hard  into yet another episode of  Days of The McClanes.
It wasn't interesting then and it isn't interesting to hear anymore?  I know he doesn't get a long with his wife
let alone his family so get on with it.

The Director John Moore does dish out wonderful crafted action scenes that match more of a typical
action movie and but doesn't follow the formula of the original Die Hard action trilogy.

Seriously why let John McClane live on when you've exhausted all means of which to craft a gripping
action  movie around him.  With a low rating this movie got and with a low rating I'm going to give this one its time Hollywood beckons the dawn of a new action hero .  Let John McClane become a intricate part of 80s and 90s action cinema and give some new blood a chance to shine.



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