Wednesday, March 12, 2014


It appears TV's most bitchiest Mom in Sitcom History, Roseanne, had some things to share on Twitter  that have George Zimmerna's parents fleeing for cover like Dorothy running from the tornado in Wizard Of OZ.

Aye Caraumba, she is so uncomfortable to watch.  Maybe Roseanne and George Zimmerman ought to have a sumo match to settle their differences.

Now George Zimmerman's parents are on the move with a lawsuit claiming that Barr single handedly tweeted his address to 110,000 to incite lynch mob to descend on the family's home. 

Wow, our first ever multi-racially incited mob lynching.  Aww, America, what will we come up with next.

Roseanne wasn't the first to think of this.  In fact, Director Spike Lee tweeted the Zimmerman's address only to get it wrong and ended up tweeting the address of David and Elaine McClain. Well, just like his movie he directed he Did The Right Thing and paid the couple $10,000 in a settlement. 

and this is who you want as your mob Lynch Leader? The very same fellow who does racist portrayals of other races in his films.  .....OKIE DOKE!

The Zimmerman's are out for blood asking for a settlement of $15,000 from fleeing for their life from every News Station in Alphabetical Order  from



AWWW GOD NO!! It's  Night of the Living Networks

Roseanne however doesn't feel apologetic and as matter of fact if George Zimmerman is still walking she'd do it again, " If Zimmerman isn't arrested I’ll rt his address again - maybe go 2 his house myself."

Roseanne Commands a Militant Faction knee deep in Floridian territory. Wielding Heavy Machine Guns & Explosives, She Either Fights on the Front Line, or Conducts High Risk Commando Sabotage Missions Deep in Enemy Territory. I think Roseanne has been sent in by the government to discredit those who question authority by appearing as a stoned, paranoid old women.

David Heil, a personal injury lawyer, who is representing the Zimmerman's claim Barr had violated Twitter's terms of service that state users "may not publish or post other people's private and confidential information," 
including street addresses".

The lawsuit also states the Zimmerman's , "suffered emotional pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of the capacity for the enjoyment of life, incurred additional living expenses due to the inability to live in their home and have suffered a loss in value of their home," according to the complaint. "These losses are permanent and continuing in nature."

Honestly, how the hell does Roseanne compute sustainability when she's nuttier  than squirrel shit? 

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