Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Zack Galifianakis, co-star of The Hangover and Host of Funny or Die's newest show Between Two Ferns, decided to have President Barack Obama on the program to promote his Affordable Care Act plan.

Yes that makes us all feel so much better. 

When Galifianakis asked Obama "What's it feel like to be the last black president?" Obama replied "Seriously, what's it like to be the last one who ever talks to a president?" 

Whatever. Like their isn't another one of you ready to be stamped out of the political factory. 

Galifianakis then came back with another question wondering if it must stink not to be able to run three times.Obama replied with, It's a good idea, if I ran a third time it would sort of be like the Third Hangover movie". 

If there was another Presidency the movie title of that would be called: 

When Galifianakis asked him why  he planned on building his Presidential Library in Kenya , Obama replied with "Zack, that is a ridiculous question.

SO...an Obama Presidential Library in Kenya.

Hmm, odd I don't remember voting in a tiki hut while all the while evading gun fire to get there because of a lack of a police force.

Although Galifianakis nailed Obama to the wall  arguing how he never produced his birth certificate Obama's only response was , "Where is your birth certificate?"

Dude you are a enigma.

Galifianaki went deeper wanting to know why Obama would want his son to play basketball out of fear of growing up to being a big dork like him.  Obama's quick response was , "ask my wife if you think I am a dork"

Do we think you are a dork?

When Galifianikis asked if he was here to plug something, Obama quickly fired back with , "Yeah have you heard of the Affordable Health Care Act?" .  Galifianakis chuckled and said , "Yeah I heard , that's the thing that doesn't work"

If the healthcare system is already broke, break it in some more and be sure to spread a little on the side for the rest of you and your crooked friends.

However, Obama is quite adamant on how the Affordable Care Act is so cool that young kids can be able to afford a health care plan for the same price as paying a cell phone bill

NAW....I still don't get you.  But....OK!

You can view the rest of this travesty here

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